Sunday, June 15, 2008

Strong Work!!

Let me preface this video by a comment that I know how strange this is...but I am going to post it anyway. And I know that it has taken me a month to get it posted, but the internet was cooperative this morning. Yes, Dad, I know it is lame. At work, we use the phrase "strong work" all the time to identify anything, good or bad, that we do. So when Benjamin started to clap on command, we were talking about it at work and someone said "that's some strong work." Hmmm, I wonder if I could teach him to clap when I say "strong work." A couple of days later, I had him clapping. So now, Benjamin is the unofficial mascot of the critical care unit I work in. I have been trying to get him to clap on video to congratulate Allison on getting accepted into CRNA school, but this will have to do :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!!!! What a cute little mascot for our unit! Way impressed. I love it!!! Allison :)