Friday, May 9, 2008

Professional pictures

The internet was really fast this afternoon, sorry there are soooo many pictures but it is hard to decide which ones to share!! The picture studio "gives" you a CD with all the pictures--here are a few of the 102 pictures of Benjamin. He got really excited and tried to jump off the props a few times, so you will see my arms close by in some of the shots!!

Clapping, almost done!!

I think I can get away from all these bright lights....
Let me stop for a quick shot

Hey mom, are you close by?? This thing is moving...

Oh, what a fake cry!!!

When Ben and I left home to get in the car, he had a death grip on his ball, so it travelled with us. Obviously making an appearance in some of the pictures is his little soccer ball. This is the way he crawls at home, ball in hand...

Checking out the construction of the rocker

One of the first pictures they took of Ben...I didn't notice the blocks spelled out "DAD" until Susan pointed it out. DUH!!! I was too busy trying to keep him from having a concussion from leaping off into the floor after his ball. This isn't really correct though, he calls Matt "da"...but needless to say, a really cute pic. Wait a minute, it's mother's day, not father's day!!!


Courtney said...

I LOVE the ones on the red truck!!! He looks so excited!

Anonymous said...

I'm having a hard time deciding who Benjamin looks like. In some of these he looks just like Daddy, but then I still see his Mommy in some too! I love the one with the fingers in his mouth---it is just him everyday!


Frances Vineyard said...

I love the ones of the red truck and that adorable Hartstrings outfit! So cute! Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

These pics are great!! Happy Mother's Day - Whitney!!!! What a special time for you!