Mommy with new clothes
Benjamin standing on the couch...don't worry, Unc Rusty is helping
Ben's favorite toy, a ball
Aunt Pearl and Unc watching...wait, everyone is watching
On Sunday, I had to work. Our power went out at 2am...Dark Daddy Daycare. I am glad I was at work. I don't know what happened that day, but oh, to be a fly on the wall. No watching fishing this Sunday morning. But, when I got home, Ben was repeatedly saying Dadadadadada...I think I know what happened all day. No wonder Matt's voice was hoarse when I got home. Just kidding!! The power finally came on around 2pm. I have been trying all morning to get him to say it so I can video, dream on. But, when you say where is Dada, he looks around and says it, unless you have the camera ready.
Little Irish lad...Happy St. Patrick's Day (with his ball)
I think I can get my foot on top of the high chair tray
He is growing so much! I love the St. Patty's Day outfit!
He is getting so big! That smile is so cute!
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