Monday, January 19, 2009

Not me...

I am not sitting in my room listening to my son cry because I took his pacifier away. You know that I took that away months ago.

I did not crash my car a week before Christmas, causing me to have to purchase a new vehicle before New Year's. (seriously, not my fault)

I did not buy a car I really didn't want because I had to turn the rental car in.

I did not, as a mother, purchase a black vehicle, knowing I couldn't keep it clean.

I am not going to trade in said vehicle on a new (and white) vehicle later this week!

I am not the sister of the best car salesman/dealership manager around!

I did not eat Oreos for lunch, wondering if the filling was considered "dairy."

I did not lose an enormous black SUV in a parking garage because I was looking for my old car.

I did not consider giving Ben his paci back....although as the screaming continues..hmmm...

I did not buy a whole box of mini candy canes a couple of days after Christmas.

I did not forget Hermie at home when we went to do some returns and listen to Ben yell from the backseat the whole way home....HERMIE!!

I did not wish that I had a DVD to put in so he would stop yelling for Hermie!

I did not forget that I was a mother because Ben slept until 9:15 this morning and I woke up before him!

I am not getting Ben out of his crib right now, without a nap, and going to play in the snow!!

Have a great week!


Frances Vineyard said...

This is funny! How fun..another car!! Good luck with the paci! :(

The Thompsons said...

My vote it "YES" on the creme filling being dairy! Happy Eating, I mean Happy Thursday!lol