Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New toys!

Sorry it's been so long since an update, but I went to update yesterday and realized I hadn't taken any pictures since a couple of days after Christmas. So here are a few from this morning.

Gingerbread Ben...he has decided to take the magnets Santa left him on the fridge and make an aura for himself...

Pushing his crane around the kitchen while I made pancakes
And yes, Hermie likes to go down the slide before Ben...now that we sleep, eat, and slide with Hermie...
Grammy and Pappy got Ben this slide/ball combo...no there is not a coffee table in our den anymore!!

Posing, or cheesing??


Frances Vineyard said...

Your house looks like mine! :) I bet he LOVES his slide! See you this weekend!

The Thompsons said...

I feel your pain girl, we now have a HUGE I mean HUGE, princess castle in the corner of our living room! GRANDPARENTS!