Friday, December 7, 2007

Doctor's visit and new things

I took Benjamin to the doctor last Monday for his four month check-up and shots. Luckily, I already had an appointment scheduled because he caught the cold that Matt and I (and many of you) had been fighting. He was a little fussy and couldn't breathe well because his nose was stuffy. But, he has now recovered and is back to his old self. We have now started on cereal twice daily and have recently added pears to our diet. It is a blast watching him eat from a spoon. He also recognizes a bottle and the milk bags that the milk is stored in and most definitely a SPOON.

Growth for the fourth month:
75th percentile weight--15 lbs. 11 oz. (gained 5 1/2 oz in a month)
75th percentile height--25 1/4 inches (grown 3/4 inch in a month)

While waiting on Dr. Joe
Look at my boo-boo
Playing with Daddy

Exersaucer time
Waiting on cereal
Waiting on the next bite

Play date with Allie and Jenn


Jennifer V said...

Great pictures!


Whitney said...

Do you think I should give a free car wash or oil change for the 3,000th hit?